Church Deaconate
At least three persons dedicated and committed to the spiritual welfare of the congregation, Lord’s supper, worship, care of the poor and needy, outreach and evangelism and other such concerns.
The Diaconate shall assist the Pastor in all his/her duties as far as may be necessary. They shall with him/her consider all applicants for Church membership; visit the members, especially the sick and shut-ins; attend to the necessities of the poor of the Church. They shall also assist the Pastor with the Ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
In case of the Pastor’s absence, one of their numbers shall preside at the religious meetings of the Church or provide a substitute. The Diaconate will provide pulpit supply during pastor’s absence or pastoral vacancies.
The Diaconate shall assist the Pastor in all his/her duties as far as may be necessary. They shall with him/her consider all applicants for Church membership; visit the members, especially the sick and shut-ins; attend to the necessities of the poor of the Church. They shall also assist the Pastor with the Ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
In case of the Pastor’s absence, one of their numbers shall preside at the religious meetings of the Church or provide a substitute. The Diaconate will provide pulpit supply during pastor’s absence or pastoral vacancies.
Trustee Committee
At least three trustees shall have charge of all property of the Church, and shall supervise the use, repair and upkeep of the same. The Trustees shall have overall charge of the Trust Funds, and the investment of the same. The Trustees shall be the Budget Committee. They shall call for proposed budgets from all boards and committees of the Church and use the same for guidelines in forming a Church Budget. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson, or a substitute, to attend the regularly scheduled business meetings where a report of the activities of the board shall be given. In addition, a written report shall be received from the Chairperson at the Annual Meeting.
Christian Education Committee
At least three persons dedicated to the education needs of the congregation. The Christian Education Committee guides the educational ministry of the church. Teaches students to understand the truth in the Bible and then share their faith confidently with others. Conducts children’s church school, youth group, adult education activities that encourage and nurture the life-long process of faith formation.
Missions Committee
The Missions Committee shall be responsible for promotion of interest in and support of the entire mission program of the Church, and for alerting the Church family to opportunities for translating into action our Christian concerns for humanity in either the local or world-wide community, and shall give active leadership in the same. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson, or a substitute, to give a report of the activities of the committee at quarterly and annual church meetings.
Responsibilities include:
1. Promote and set goals for special mission offerings.
2. Support MCFWBC programs and local partnerships.
3. Review community action projects and recommend/select specific ministries for church involvement.
4. Recruit and work closely with volunteer coordinators for local ministries.
5. Promote and support “hands-on” mission activities.
6. Encourage participation in mission activities.
7. Report activities to the Church.
Responsibilities include:
1. Promote and set goals for special mission offerings.
2. Support MCFWBC programs and local partnerships.
3. Review community action projects and recommend/select specific ministries for church involvement.
4. Recruit and work closely with volunteer coordinators for local ministries.
5. Promote and support “hands-on” mission activities.
6. Encourage participation in mission activities.
7. Report activities to the Church.
Church Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall, present suitable nominations to the Church to fill vacancies in offices as they occur during the year. Prior to the Annual Meeting, it shall prepare a list of nominations to fill all offices.